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7 Nutrition Trends: Mythbusting With Altru Dietitians

7 Nutrition Trends: Mythbusting With Altru Dietitians

June 27, 2017

新的营养趋势一直在网上和健康杂志上出现. 有这么多的建议,很容易混淆正确的食物吃. 我们直接找来了专家——奥特鲁的营养师,请他们列出三种流行的营养趋势. Here’s what they had to say.

1. Myth: Gluten-Free Diets Result in Weight Loss.

真相:当有人被诊断患有乳糜泻时,就会进行无麸质饮食. 无麸质饮食包括不吃大麦、黑麦、燕麦和小麦. 如果你不吃薯片、饼干和甜点,体重可能会减轻. If the chips, cookies, and desserts are replaced with gluten-free items, the calories are usually the same, due to using a different form of flour. So, 如果你还没有被诊断出患有乳糜泻,并且想减肥的话, reducing calories and increasing exercise is the way to go.

2. 误解:榨汁(从新鲜水果和蔬菜中榨汁的过程)可以减肥.

真相:榨汁并不比吃完整的水果和蔬菜更健康. 果汁的营养成分通常较低,纤维含量几乎为零. Whole foods usually contain more vitamins and minerals, as many of these nutrients are in or near the skin, which gets discarded as pulp when juiced. Your body does not absorb nutrients better in juice form.

Yet, juicing isn’t all bad. Additional truths:

  • Some juicers do reserve the extracted pulp. 这种富含纤维的果肉可以添加到汤、炖菜和速食面包中以获得额外的好处.
  • 榨汁可以通过加入水果和蔬菜来提高营养摄入,而这些水果和蔬菜可能由于口味或质地的偏好而无法食用.
  • 榨汁可以作为一个明智的减肥计划的一部分, 这也包括各种营养丰富的天然食品吗.

The bottom line: when enjoyed in moderation, 鲜榨果汁可以很好地从各种水果和蔬菜中获取更多的维生素和矿物质. However, 减肥和促进最佳健康的最好方法是吃一个均衡的饮食,由所有食物组的食物组成.

3. 神话:由于膳食补充剂很容易获得,而且不需要处方,它们比药品更安全,可以在没有健康专家建议或监督的情况下自行治疗疾病.

真相:服用补品不一定会提高你的表现,而且可能是危险的. More is not better. 研究表明,一些草药产品与药物相互作用,可以产生广泛的影响, including:

  • 约翰草可能会干扰器官移植患者使用的药物, and drugs used to treat depression, seizures, and certain cancers
  • Some alter the effectiveness of oral contraceptives
  • 大蒜、银杏、丹参和东葵可以使血液稀薄


4. Myth: Avoid Carbohydrates to Lose Weight.

真相:减少碳水化合物的摄入可能会在短期内帮助你减肥, 但这主要是因为你吃的食物和卡路里更少了. 显著减少碳水化合物的摄入意味着你将错过健康选择所提供的营养价值, such as whole grains, fruits, starchy vegetables, dairy, and dried peas and beans. Low-carb diets are restrictive and hard to follow. The weight you lose will likely be regained.

Coconut meat and oil

5. Myth: Coconut Oil Is Healthier Than Olive Oil.

真相:椰子油并不比橄榄油更有益于健康. 事实上,由于它的饱和脂肪含量,如果大量食用可能是不健康的.

椰子油的受欢迎程度正在迅速上升,其健康宣传范围从帮助人们减肥到治疗阿尔茨海默病. 脂肪有两大类:饱和脂肪和不饱和脂肪. Coconut oil is about 90 percent saturated fat. 饮食中过多的饱和脂肪会提高低密度脂蛋白“坏”胆固醇, which increases the risk for heart disease. It also raises HDL “good” cholesterol.

Olive oil is mainly unsaturated fat, 不饱和脂肪降低LDL“坏”胆固醇,提高HDL“好”胆固醇. 椰子油可以偶尔用于其风味或替代其他硬脂肪来源, such as vegetable shortening in baking.

6. Myth: A Healthy Diet Is Too Expensive.

真相:不仅要考虑杂货店的花费,还要考虑与饮食有关的慢性病的经济成本. It’s possible to eat well on a budget.

健康的饮食可以大大减少肥胖、心脏病和糖尿病的发病率. 虽然食品杂货的价格上涨很快,但很难给健康饮食定价. 为了让健康食品成为预算的一部分,请记住以下几点:

  • 养成计划菜单和按清单购物的习惯. 避免在商店里漫无目的地闲逛,挑选你可能最终会用的东西.
  • Pay attention at the checkout. Make sure prices are tallied correctly.
  • Buy store brands. 与国内品牌相比,这些品牌通常便宜15- 20%, while the quality is very similar.
  • 在商店周边购物,避免在中间通道购买诱人的便利商品. These are often less healthy and more expensive.
  • 使用优惠券和观看销售,以充分利用巨大的交易. 记住:如果你不需要这些食物,或者不打算使用这些食物,这笔交易就不那么好了.
  • Eggs, beans, canned tuna, frozen veggies, peanut butter, 季节性水果和蔬菜是几种不会让你倾家荡产的健康食物.
  • Plan a meatless meal once or twice a week. (See Myth #3.)

7. Myth: A Vegetarian Diet Does Not Provide Enough Protein.

Truth: Protein doesn’t just come from animal products. Beans, nuts, 作为精心计划的饮食的一部分,全谷物可以为几乎每个人提供充足的蛋白质.

植物蛋白也含有其他营养物质:纤维, folate, potassium, and antioxidants, to name a few. 用肉代替豆类,用动物蛋白作为一道菜的重点,而不是主菜,是准备充实和营养膳食的有效策略. 食用植物性蛋白质来源也可以帮助你减肥, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and slash your risk of cancer and heart disease.

Lifestyle modification, rather than quick fixes, is the way to go for long-term weight loss and maintenance. 如果你想通过改变饮食和锻炼来控制体重, visit one of our dietitians.

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