预防健康 & 健康




癌症. A heavy topic, but never more so than when discussed in the doctor’s office. 在美国,这个数字是23.300万人被诊断患有癌症, 它是第二大死亡原因, 而心脏病的风险更小.

而任何癌症的诊断都是严重的, cancers that are caught early carry a higher chance of a positive outcome. Screening for certain cancers is an important part of healthcare. Screening is a term used for testing for a disease when the patient is not currently experiencing any signs or symptoms of the disease. While many medical societies give recommendations for 筛选, the most commonly followed recommendations come from the United States Preventive 服务 Task Force (USPSTF).

Keep in mind that these are broad recommendations and may not be appropriate for every individual. It is important to have a discussion with your doctor to determine if 筛选 什么是对你最好的.


十月是乳腺癌宣传月. You have likely seen the pink ribbons that symbolize the fight against breast cancer, but you may be less familiar with recommendations when it comes time to screen for it. Based on USPSTF recommendations, all women ages 50 to 74 should have every other year 用乳房x光检查筛查乳腺癌. There are other recommendations by various organizations that start this at age 40 and do them yearly. It is important to speak with your primary care provider to discuss your personal risk.


The 筛选 tool that seems to receive the most resistance from patients is 结肠镜检查. However, it remains the gold standard for the 筛选 of colon cancer. There are other options that are less well known. Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) can be performed yearly or FIT-DNA, 通常被称为Cologuard, 可以每三年进行一次吗. 这两个选项都是粪便样本. The FIT tests for blood products and the FIT-DNA adds a test for the DNA found in cancer cells. Some people find these options attractive as they are less invasive and are as simple as providing a stool sample. The trade-off is that they are slightly less effective (80-90%) when compared to the 结肠镜检查, and they are required to be performed more frequently. Colonoscopy is only performed every 10 years if the previous exam was normal. 不管选择哪个选项, it is recommended that all individuals be screened between the age of 50 and 75. Some individuals should start earlier if they have a significant family history of colon cancer.



Papanicolau smear, better known as a pap smear, is the mainstay of 筛选 for cervical cancer. Since its usage became widespread, deaths related to the disease have been cut in half. 子宫颈癌筛查 is recommended for women once they hit the age of 21. That entails a pap smear every 3 years for women ages 20-29. Once a woman reaches the age of 30 she can undergo HPV “co-testing”. This includes testing for the HPV virus along with the pap smear. Adding the HPV test allows us to extend 筛选 to every 5 years until she reaches the age of 65, 此时应该停止筛查. 如果在任何时候这些测试返回异常, it may require more frequent testing or possibly a procedure to collect more tissue samples.



The USPSTF recommends that smokers may benefit from low-dose CT scans (LDCT) 筛查肺癌 按年计算. The recommendations are for individuals between the ages of 55-80 who have a 30+ year history of smoking to receive this exam. If someone has quit smoking for more than 15 years, they can discontinue 筛选 for lung cancer at that time.

These are the cancers that the USPSTF recommends 筛选 for. 还有许多其他癌症, but there is not enough evidence that 筛选 for them is beneficial for patients. 不进行筛查的原因常常被忽视. 没有一个测试是完美的. There is always a chance the results are incorrect. Whether the incorrect result is a false positive or false negative, there are serious implications. False negatives will give a false sense of security when cancer does exist and goes untreated until symptoms develop or it is time for the next 筛选. On the other hand, a false positive can lead to unnecessary follow-up tests and procedures. This adds undue cost, anxiety, and potential for complications. 出于这些原因, 筛选 is not as simple as it may seem and is only appropriate under certain circumstances. If you feel that you meet the criteria for cancer 筛选, have a discussion with your primary care provider to determine if 筛选 is in your best interest.

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